A day in the life of Mattias Adolfsson, man about town
Mattias is awaken by the sun (that means about 11 AM in the winter and about 2 AM come summer)

Breakfast with the lion and the cubs is usually a jolly affair.

Mattias tries not to get lost amongst the trees while walking the dog

Mattias then strolls downtown to the library to get some inspiration for his daily art

Sigtuna library prouds itself for it's extensive collection of forgotten masters of the Flemish baroque

Sigtuna is crammed with tracing shops, most of them are very skilled

While waiting for the trace to finish Mattias visits his favorite haberdasher. Artist hands are vulnerable and have to be protected.

Mattias then enjoys a laudanum sundae at one of Sigtunas opium dens.

Mattias examines his newly traced moleskine sketchbook, the result is well worth the price

Amiral Kaltjuk at the scan-shop is a war veteran. The war varies, today he states it was the Czech-Suisse war of 78.

Perambulating homewards Mattias spots Sigtunas other blogger, on occasions these meetings has come to blows, the situation is tense but nothing happens today

the Evening is spent at the Opera, Sigtuna Wagner Society's controversial: Ring of the Nibelungs on Wheels

The story of bad tempered Pete
Target practice

Strolling into town

First encounter with hard liquor

First gunfight

Showing his poker face

Finding true love and losing his temper in the process

Check out my book: The first in line, from the sketchbooks of Mattias Adolfsson